Imagem de joellpaim no Github

Joel Paim

Full Stack Software Developer


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Welcome, I'm Joel Paim.

I'm a software developer based in Caxias do Sul BR, specializing in building exceptional websites and everything in between.

As a Full Stack developer, I have experience in a variety of technologies and programming languages, including AdonisJS, PostgreSQL, Flask, Python, and more. I'm currently developing APIs with AdonisJS and PostgreSQL database. In addition, I have worked with the Flask framework for creating web applications, as well as several solutions in Python, such as Android applications, web scraping and process automation. My projects can be found on my Github profile, where I'm always adding new updates and work in progress.


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A Pokedex in Angular consuming from an API.

  • Angular badge
  • Typescript Badge
  • SCSS Badge
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Task List

A to-do list in Angular.

  • Angular badge
  • Typescript Badge
  • SCSS Badge
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CNC Factor

An Android application developed to perform machining calculations, it has more than 30 screens. Coming soon to the Playstore.

  • Python badge
  • Kivy Badge
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CRUD Python and SQLite simulating a closet.

  • Python badge
  • SQLite Badge
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QR Creator

QR-Code Creator with Python.

  • Python badge
  • QRCode Badge
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GSK bot

Webscraping Robot: finds websites via Google keyword searches

  • Python badge
  • Selenium Badge
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Matrix Bot

Selecting data and saving to XLSX with Pandas.

  • Python badge
  • Pandas Badge
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CNC Calc

CNC Calculator with PySimpleGUI.

  • Python badge
  • PySimpleGUI Badge
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Flask Blog

A simple CRUD built with Flask and SQLite

  • Python badge
  • Flask Badge
  • SQLite Badge
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Flask Auth App

A simple authentication app powered by Flask and SQLite

  • Python badge
  • Flask Badge
  • SQLite Badge
